02. ledna 2017 v 11:53 |


02. ledna 2017 v 11:53 |


Živé vysílání Českého rozhlasu 3 - Vltava

17. ledna 2007, 20:00 - 22:00

moderátor: Petr Šrámek
20:00 - 20:30 živě z Experimentálního prostoru ROXY / NoD
20:55 - 21:30 živě z Experimentálního prostoru ROXY / NoD
21:50 - 22:00 živě z Experimentálního prostoru ROXY / NoD

Live from Zagreb

In the place where we are, still looking for some relation
that would bind us to each other. Even without words, even without movement, always speaking, always moving and imperceptibly desiring each other without desire. (Maurice Blanchot: "Awaiting Oblivion")
Taking a point of departure from the idea of synchronous reception and telesthetic homogenization of sonic space under the condition of transmission in real-time, the event will allow listeners to participate in the events regardless of their physical absence. They will become part of the event as much as the immediate actors - the performers and the audience.Using the voices and sound produced on site in combination with pre-recorded materials to create an environment intriguing both for the broadcast audience that will have access to the whole of the work and the audience present in the space that will not be able to follow the whole performance bit will experience only parts of the mosaic-performance of fragments performed.We propose to return to Robert Filliou's idea of a network of friends on two levels - within the EBU Art's Birthday broadcast and in a more intimate setting of an event with an audience throughout the performance space.The performance will join together a number of local artists - musicians, performance artists, dramaturges, multimedia and visual artists - both professionals and students in a live, mostly improvised, radio play of words and sounds, layers of music and cracks of silence, laughter and spontaneous noise bursts. Manipulation of found and created sound with contrasting textual and vocal interventions filtered through the distortion of the megaphone, gramophone needle and weak lo-fi speakers, but also digital sound editing in real time. Broadcast from Gallery Nova (or another Downtown gallery), an independent gathering site of the local art scene.
Ivan Marušić-Klif is a multimedia artist from Zagreb.
He graduated from the School of Audio Engineering in Amsterdam. He makes light-providing objects and installations; occasionally he makes set designs for theatre performances, films and TV. As a composer, sound technician and producer he creates music, noises and makes sound production for theatre, film and television but also for artistic projects of other authors. Since 1996 he works in the field of interactive installations, robotics and interactive video. He had exhibitions and performed in Croatia and Europe. He was awarded at the Youth Salon in 2001.
Ivana Ivković
studies at the Department of Dramaturgy at the Academy of Drama Arts in Zagreb. She is a member of the editorial board of Frakcija Magazine for Performing Arts and also collaborates with the 3rd Program of Croatian Radio, several publications, the Center for Drama Art and works as the general coordinator of Zagreb - Cultural Kapital of Europe 3000, a project jointly organized by Zagreb's eight independent cultural organizations from the fields of performing arts, new media, visual arts, architecture and theory. She collaborates as dramaturge with two Zagreb based independent companies - oour and BADco.and other participating...

Live from Bratislava

"Essay about the Memory..."

30-minute block of live electroacoustic music will be broadcast from the Slovak Radio Chamber Studio in Bratislava. The programme "Essay about the Memory..." (Live Electronics) is composed of 15 segments of electroacoustic miniatures. Radio approaches us through its memory. It works with the memory and gives a vivid picture of the past which is still alive.
In these fragments of "Radio's Memory" the authentic recordings of personalities' voices of both Slovak and world scene are used. The programme is prepared by the Slovak Radio Experimental Studio staff in cooperation with young Slovak authors of electroacoustic output.

Programme segments: Essay about the Memory ..., Cage 92.BA, Edisonika and many more...

a) ImproMasters collective free improvisation group
Director Shinji Kanki, Academy of Fine Arts

b) Helsinki Polytechnic student work

c) School of Motion Picture, Television and Production Design student
group live performance. Coordinator professor Matti Kuortti
d) ProTon Sonic Art Group: text sound performance "What is It?"
Composition and performance: Agnieszka Waligórska - Pekka Sirén