Kyklos Galaktikos

7. říjen 2015

Tuto kapelu a její skladbu Tragédie I. nominovala do Czechingu 2015 porotkyně Jana Grygarová aka Apačka.

Členové pražské kapely Kyklos Galaktikos Jan Burian, Jaroslav Hrdlička a Michaela Švédová mají za sebou angažmá v různých hudebních a divadelních projektech. Plni nápadů a rozmanité inspirace se rozhodli založit kapelu vymykající se jakýmkoli žánrovým omezením. Po vydání debutového alba Osa dobra (2011) však ihned získali respekt coby „inteligentní spasitelé hip-hopu“. Na svém druhém albu Mezi lovci mezer (2015) doplňují svůj hlasitý a nesourodý minimalismus textovými hádankami, které spolu s doprovodnými obrázky vtáhnou posluchače do bizarního snového světa kapely.

Poslechněte si velký rozhovor s Kyklos Galaktikos o rodině, improvizaci a svobodě mezi krabičkami!

Kyklos Galaktikos and their song Tragédie I. (Tragedy I) were nominated for Czeching 2015 by jury member, Jana Grygarová aka Apačka.

The members of Prague-based band Jan Burian, Jaroslav Hrdlička and Michaela Švédová are involved in various music and theatre projects. Therefore they ventured into creating a band armed with diverse ideas and inspiration free from any genre limitations. On the other hand, since the release of their debut album Osa dobra (Axis Of The Good) in 2011, they have been respected as a kind of intelligent saviours of hip hop. On their second title Mezi lovci mezer (Among the Gap Hunters, 2015) their noisy wonky minimalist sound is framed with a lyrics puzzle which, together with the presentation pictures, draws listeners into the band´s bizarre dreamy world.

Tragédie I. (Tragedy I)

the moment has arrived
never again
we promise
we were embarrassed
we will be homesick
we were sorry
we will be sorry
it wasn’t in vain
we will be ashamed
it wasn’t worth it
it will be cheap
go for it, dumb guys
today we’re playing for real
perhaps playing live
perhaps in a video

see wild herds stampeding down the valley
see buffalo horns shining goanna teeth
bat radars reflecting on the faces
smell breath of wild sows hear hyenas giggle
around your ears clouds of mosquitos buzzing
snail cities crawling at your feet
black panther bodies emerging from the shadows
no, not the sound of clapping hands but sea lion’s fins
quacking and croaking from dark pools
rustle of raven wings screaming monkey gangs
shining eyes of walking leaves the feel of hares‘ paws
your feet start tingling

we’re on holiday we’re on holiday
we’re on holiday we’re on holiday


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