Images for Orchestra - Emil Viklický

7. červen 2016

“I grew up among painters; my father and uncle were two of them. My father’s studio lay in what is today a Seminary at Žerotín Square with a beautiful view over the roofs of Olomouc.

In those days, the faculty premises included also the adjacent monastery building, in whose corridors I got lost one day. I was about six years old and I could not find the way out. I was eventually found by some young ladies, students of teaching, who led me back upstairs to the studio.

In the first part of the composition entitled Obrazy pro orchestr (Images for Orchestra) a duet of wind instruments line by line draw up the symmetrical curves leading into the monastery. In the following movements of the Images several Moravian folk motifs can be heard. The motif based on a folk dance melody “Kdože nám zakáže” (“Whoever Can Forbid Us”) that appears in the third section refers to my uncle Viktor, who was not broken even by a false accusation and a three-year service for the PTP (military service for the “politically unreliable”)”. E. Viklický

Parts only for hire at

Other compositions by Emil Viklický published in Czech Radio:
Clarinet Concerto D major
Dark and Vibrant
Double Concerto for Harp, Violin and String Orchestra
Green Satin
Piano Concerto E Major
The Mystery of Man

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