Lída Baarová - Ondřej Soukup

26. září 2016

“When I started to write the music for film Lída Baarová by Filip Renč in the autumn 2015, the production told me that there was no money for live music and I would have to do sampling.

I broke out in a cold sweat because film’s stylization, its scale, time when it takes place and the topic itself did not match with synthetic music at all. I would have had to think of a completely different approach and a different music dramaturgy but I still think it would have been quite problematic. That’s why I started to fight for a symphonic orchestra and finally, the producers found the money somewhere and I wrote about an hour of symphonic music for the film and from its part a concerto suite was made.”

Other compositions by Ondřej Soukup published in Czech Radio:
Dark Blue World (Tmavomodrý svět)
Empties (Vratné lahve)
Kolya (Kolja)

Requiem for a Doll (Main theme)
Lucky Four Serving The King (Main Theme)
Joan of Arc

Parts only for hire at nakladatelstvi@rozhlas.cz

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