Orion Trio - Martin Klusák

4. leden 2016

Orion Trio is a composition for a string trio whose atmosphere and formal structure is inspired by the homonymous constellation.

The first movement Bellatrix follows its own harmonious and melodic rules that are meant to create an impression of a continuous music consonance as a result. The other three movements are variations on this music material; Saiph works with a reverse transcription of Bellatrix, Betelgeuse with inverse transcription and Rigel is a variation of the original Bellatrix. That also explains the abbreviation ORIO(N) - Origo, Reversio, Inversio, Origo, (Nihil).

With the particular movements, Klusák tries to portray also the characters of these four outside stars of Orion – not only their size and brightness but also the meanings of their names.

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