[01] e.o & Natalie Waldbaum: ORGANISM

27. září 2003

rAdioCUSTICA selected 2003 | 17:16

what is e.o?

emotional objects; endless organism; embryonal output; enemy overfill; engrained orgasm; electric origin; early outbreak; eye overwhelming; exhumed owl; electric orange; excessive oscillator; examine outline; evil oxygen; era ofUs

what is e.o?

we don't know; e.o could be two letters of the alphabet linked via an irrelevant full stop, or merely an outlook on the world and approach to the creation of sound and image which is not necessarily personal - it is not restricted to an opinion/ the view of one or more of us can signify various constellations of people, or no-one...

what is e.o?


if you know the feeling when perception of the surroundings becomes independent and ceases being tied to the personal experience of an individual, when the reception of reality (non-reality) is no longer an alien feeling and merges into one with what we think we are, then you know what e.o is;

what is e.o?

and is it really necessary to ask questions and to seek a name for things which can "only" be perceived?

author: Jan Dufek_E
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